Mivo'to Laaski

"Gil is the blood of Eorzea and its people. Hand to hand, pocket to pocket, it keeps us alive and well. Sometimes steps must be taken to keep this lifeforce brewing, be it a few elegant words and frilly suits, or perhaps a knife to a throat - A worthwhile professional is apt at both."

Basic Info

⦿ Race: Miqo'te
⦿ Clan: Keepers of the Moon
⦿ Gender: Male
⦿ Age: 27
⦿ Height: 5'6"
⦿ Weight:147lb
⦿ Birthplace: Horizon, Thanalan
⦿ Birthday: 24th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon
⦿ Guardian: Nymeia, the Spinner

ExtrovertedIn BetweenIntroverted
DisorganizedIn BetweenOrganized
Close-mindedIn BetweenOpen-minded
CalmIn BetweenAnxious
DisagreeableIn BetweenAgreeable
CautiousIn BetweenReckless
PatientIn BetweenImpatient
OutspokenIn BetweenReserved
LeaderIn BetweenFollower
OptimistIn BetweenPessimist
ConfidentIn BetweenInsecure
TraditionalIn BetweenModern
Hard-WorkingIn BetweenLazy
CulturedIn BetweenUncultured
LoyalIn BetweenDisloyal
FaithfulIn BetweenUnfaithful


Mivo’to was born shortly before the initial Garlean invasion of Eorzea, in the settlement of Horizon. Though a Keeper of the Moon, Mivo’to’s family was rather distant from the clans practices, instead living in relative solitude as a mercantile unit headed by Mivo’to’s father; in defiance of matriarchal traditions. The Laaski bloodline was initially prosperous and relatively wealthy, providing bed, provisions and repairs to passing caravans making the trip between Ul’dah and Vesper Bay. Such good fortune was soon stifled by the Garlean advance.Expressing empathy to the ever increasing hordes of refugees, Mivo’to’s father expanded much of the family’s wealth, providing aid as they made the journey to the relative safety of Ul’dah. Such charity eventually expended all of the Laaski wealth, soon forcing the family to follow the march to the region’s City State. Wallowing in poverty among the masses, any attempt at restarting their business pursuits was stifled early into its efforts. After nearly a decade, Mivo’to’s father eventually passed, his body allegedly having withered from the stress of failure.

Left without its head, the Laaski’s struggled even harder to make ends meet. Such troubles soon brought Mivo’to into the city’s criminal underworld, hardening them as they took up dagger and blade to collect the Gil needed to survive. Such a life might of taken the young Miqo’te too, had it not been for the intervention of a long forgotten family friend. Fairing much better than the Laaski clan, the friend took sympathy upon the family, finding them work and even housing. Such finical charity had inspired Mivo’to to abandon his life of crime, and continue his father’s legacy of support, committing himself to his benefactor’s service.It was here that Mivo’to developed a revelation; Recognizing the aid and prosperity trade can bring to, not only himself, but all of Eorzea’s people, the Miqo’te took up once more arms, seeking to stem disorder and chaos, so that trade might continue to bring wealth and benefit to all. With both blade and tongue, Mivo’to set off on their voyage, carrying his father’s legacy with him. But with a wealth of demons resting upon his shoulders, and a faltering air of poise, perhaps it is only a matter of time before the Miqo'te's ideals snap.

Miscellaneous Info

⦿ Mivo'to most commonly fits underneath a neutral-good/chaotic-good morality. Despite this, he is willing to get himself involved in neutral/skewed situations and tasks. Just keep in mind, he has a leaning to doing the right thing.⦿ Mivo'to is a young man, rather familiar with the intimatie aspects of relationships, with members of all genders. That being said, don't expect him to be a hound dog. Romance is on the table, if cards are played right.⦿ With experience in both diplomacy and conflict, Mivo'to isn't opposed to either, and can quickly change gears, situation permitting, having trained in both the school of Red Magic and combatives as a Rogue.⦿ While familiar with many cultures and nationalities, thanks to his mercantile background, Mivo'to has a distaste to members of Ishgard, finding their history of isolationism selfish and harmful to the region. This should not be taken personally, and the Miqo'te is capable of looking past such nationalities.⦿ This Keeper is an ale-hound (Perhaps concerningly so). Despite his compact size, drink is a delight to the Miqo'te, be they wines, spirits or beer, and is more than ready to throw down the glove to a drink-off.⦿ The line between professional and personal is quite blurry for this Miqo'te. One might quickly learn, not everything should be taken at face value.

OOC Info

⦿ I am a 24 year old player, with experience in tastefully handling mature interactions and plotlines. If you wish to explore these themes, by all means, tell me! If I become uncomfortable, I will let you know!⦿ My home server is Balmung, but I am more than willing to jump between Worlds!⦿ I work full-time, as such, I am typically active at night on weekdays, and most of the time on weekends (PST). If you wish to reach out or roleplay when I am offline, feel free to reach out at my Discord, HoneyElk⦿ If you're wondering how to start an interaction, fret not! I am open to most starters, or can write one out myself if you're not sure how to proceed. Some simple hooks include:
- A night of drinks and chatter
- Working together on a contract/quest
- Meeting on the road (Mivo'to is a frequent traveler)
- Taking part in a friendly spar
- Having prior criminal/business connections (Feel free time improv!)
⦿ I am not opposed to NSFW RP, and in fact dabble myself. This being said, if your intention is to only engaging in such roleplay, I would ask you make it known beforehand, and I will decide if I wish to countinue with it or not. I will not look down/be creeped out if you ask!